Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Oh how I miss having summer vacation...

During the summertime in college I managed to attend Le Cordon Bleu. I went to the London branch. It was rewarding but demanding; sometimes our days would last from 9am-9pm. I learned a lot about classic french techniques and a lot about food and cooking in general. I hope to go back and finish - I've got 6 months of class left to get the Grand Diploma in cuisine and pastry. I had a lot of laughs (as well as nasty cuts and burns!) while I was there. We made some pretty amazing food.

Making truffles was one of my favorite days; it was towards the end of the term. The boys decided it would be funny to smear dark chocolate all over my nice white chefs outfit, I got them back though! We worked in a group to make the delectable treats and I ended up taking home about a months supply which my parents, friends and I got to enjoy for quite some time!

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